Checked baggage service is currently suspended on Pacific Surfliner trains. However, you may still bring up to four bags on board without being charged, including the following:
• Two personal items: For example, large purses, briefcases, computer backpacks. These bags can measure up to 14” x 11” x 7” each, and weigh up to 25 pounds each.
• Two carry-on bags: These bags can measure up to 28" x 22" x 11" each, and weigh up to 50 pounds each.
You may bring more bags and/or larger bags, but you will be charged for them.
Baby gear such as strollers, diaper bags, and car seats do not count towards this limit, and you will not be charged extra for bringing any of these items.
Required medical devices will also not count towards the limit and is accepted free of charge if the passenger has a ticket issued at a mobility impaired fare.